الجمعة، 31 أكتوبر 2008

epithelial tissies


Simple Squamous Endothelial Tissue

a nucleus of a cell forming the alveolus wall b nucleus of a cell forming the capillary wall c red blood cells inside capillary that will carry exchanged gases between the lungs and blood d cell that forms the large circle of simple squamous forming the alveolus. found: line lungs; line blood vessels (endothelium) function: adapted for osmosis, diffusion and secretion

Simple Cuboidal Epithelial Tissue

The lumen receives the secretion produced by the cuboidal cells
The black circle is superimposed on the basement membrane which holds t
ogether a circle of cuboidal cells.
found: line kidney tubules; cover ovaries; glands
function: adapted for secretion of fluid like mucus or enzymes; absorption (microvilli increase surface area)

Simple Columnar Epithelial Tissue

The fuzzyness on top of the simple columnar cells is caused by tiny microvilli.
found: i
n GI tract and uterus;
function: absorption of foods (microvilli); move sperm (cilia); secretion of mucus (goblet cells).
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Pseudostratified Epithelial Tissue

a nuclei of pseudostratified columnar cells
found: respiratory tract; paranasal sinuses
function: protection, produce mucus, trap and move dust and other toxins out of the lungs.
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Stratified Squamous Epithelial Tissue

a bracket is around the many rows of cells that belong to the stratified squamous epithelial tissue b dead surface layers found: epidermal layer of skin; lines mouth, esophagus, vagina and anal canal function: wall of protection against waterloss, abrasion infection, etc.
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Transitional Epithelial Tissue

collapsed layers of the transitional cells b surface of the collapsed ureter
found: walls that line the urinary tract and bladder
function: able to stretch when an organ expands
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